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Dreamweaver • Dreamweaver Parenting


At Dreamweaver, you have the opportunity to explore your inner world using an array of miniatures as metaphors that represent things and people in your world. Although it might seem strange to put tiny figures of people, animals, or magical creatures into landscapes that you create in a small table-top tray filled with sand, it is a profoundly healing experience that can bring you joy and a feeling of accomplishment. Neuroscience research findings are clear that using your hands and manipulating physical things can help you make profound connections between your right brain, which is in charge of your emotions and intuition, and your left brain, which looks at the world through language and logic. In short, putting your hands into something as grounding as cool, clean sand, and building the world, as you see it, can be a deeply soothing and illuminating experience.​


Have you ever had intuitions or dreams that just don’t fit neatly into your life? Are you creative or spiritual, but you haven’t yet found a way to understand the messages coming from your heart?


If you’re eager to investigate an alternative path for processing your inner thoughts and feelings, you might find new possibilities at my expressive arts studio, where you explore these areas freely. You don’t need experience or skills to feel empowered and envigorated by this unique type of creative expression.

Heart-to-Heart Problem-Solving

When your children or teens have challenges or behaviors that are troubling to you or others and when systems of reward and punishment have not made a difference, or have made things worse, you may benefit from a different type of approach that is not therapy, but is healing and proactive.


Dreamweaver Studio provides a space for you and your child or teen to learn more about your needs and wishes through a hands-on creative process that requires no previous skill or talent. While you learn more about your child or teen, they learn more about your shared values and your commitment to raising them to be kind, confident, and well-adjusted adults.


You don’t have to put complex behavior charts in place or deal with endless arguments and tension. Instead, you’ll discover ways of expressing yourselves that open up effective channels of communication. With these milestones accomplished, I will help you implement strategies to deal with problems collaboratively so you can come up with win-win solutions. 


To find out more, please go to Let's Connect, and I’ll be delighted to discuss how I can accommodate you or your organization’s needs.

Expressive Arts Groups

Do you ever wish you could see a clearer picture of your deepest dreams and thoughts?


Dreamweaver Studio is a creative workshop situated in a cozy home in the hills of Montville, just west of Belfast. Here you use your intuition to let yourself connect to your inner world by using miniatures symbolizing your thoughts, perceptions, feelings, and imagination. You build scenes and stories into a small area within a tabletop tray of sand. The sand gives you a ground to hold whatever may be on your mind or in your heart.


You might be motivated to journal about what you made, or simply witness it. There’s no right or wrong way to do it, and no interpretation. Only you know what your work means. When you let go and go with the flow of your stream of consciousness, you discover the magic of your own light.

Come join in this soothing and fun experience and open the windows to your expressive self!


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